Heidepuzzle (Heathland Puzzle) (75 km)
Many small and large heathland areas lie scattered in Lüneburg Heath Nature Park. The "Heidepuzzle (Heathland Puzzle)" theme trail connects them together. Hiking through forest and meadows, over hills and in river valleys you experience the interaction of the landscapes. Piece by piece complete your image of the heathland, until the last bit is in place.
The trail begins in Amelinghausen and leads through Kronsbergheide and Oldendorf Totenstatt to Soderstorf. Past the water-rich, upwelling source of the Schwinde, it goes through Schwindebecker Heide to Hörpel. From there follow the valley of Schmale Aue, first through Döhlerheide to Heidedorf Egestorf and then on to Hanstedt. There the path turns westwards and reaches Töps-Heide, Weseler Heide and Inzmühler Heide near Handeloh. The last stage leads through the romantic Büsenbachtal up to Brunsberg and from there down through Höllenschlucht to the finish at Buchholz Station.
Heather species
Heather landscape is never the same. While most visitors first learn to distinguish the two typical heather plants, the common heather (or ling) and cross-leaved heath, botanists like to speak of different heathland types. They are distinguished according to the plants which are common to them.
The predominant type in Lüneburg Heath is the typical sand heath. Other types are: the bilberry-sand heath – on the northern slope of Wilseder Berg, Totengrund and Steingrund; the wet sand heath, which is found on the edge of wetlands; and finally the rare clay heaths – this type can only be found south of Niederhaverbeck and southern Wilseder Berg.
Package "Hiking without luggage"
Start in Amelinghausen, 5 nights in Amelinghausen, Hofgut Thansen, Egestorf, Wesel and Buchholz.
5 x B&B, packed lunch, luggage transfer, hiking map. Price: from €380, optional return transport to Amelinghausen for up to 4 people: €70
This package can be booked via the Nature Park Information Offices in Schneverdingen and Bispingen.