NCA, LPA, FFHD – what is what?
The things that are quite basic for a nature conservation expert can sometimes be quite confusing for the layman. In Lüneburg Heath Natural Park there are various protected areas, all of different character. Here we present the nature and landscape conservation areas as well as Habitats Directive sites.
First and foremost, regulations control the extent to which man can and should actively intervene in nature within the boundaries of protected areas. This is not always to do with banning something, but should also help prevent "well-intentioned" interventions at the wrong time - for example, during breeding time of certain protected species. For anyone who wants to behave responsibly in the heath and forest, this site is the right address.
Nature Conservation Area (NCA)
Nature Conservation Areas are sites in which nature is protected for landscape ecology and scientific reasons, but also partly for their history and culture.
Nature Conservation Areas are the strictest category of protection (after National Parks) and have the most intensive protection of nature and landscape that the law allows.
In these areas, all activities and operations are prohibited, except for officially approved ones.
Nature Conservation Areas are for nature first – People come second!
Landscape Protection Area (LPA)
Landscape protection areas are sites where nature and landscape require protection in whole or in part
- to conserve, develop or restore the efficiency and proper functioning of the natural balance, or the capability of natural resources to regenerate themselves
- because the landscape is diverse, unique or beautiful, or
- because the area is important for recreation.
The nature conservation authority of a district can declare landscape protection areas via regulation. The regulations prohibit certain activities within the landscape protection area which alter the character of the area or which are contrary to the special protection purpose, in particular affecting the landscape or enjoyment of nature.
Habitats Directive Site
Habitats Directive sites are designated for the protection of plants (flora), animals (fauna) and habitat types (habitats) under to the European Union Fauna and-Flora Habitats Directive. They are part of the Natura 2000 network.
Natura 2000 is a cross-border network of protected areas established within the European Union under with the Habitats Directive. This network also includes
Special Protection Areas from the Birds Directive. The network of protected areas covers 18% of the land area and 6% of the sea area of the European Union. It is thus the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world.