Lüneburg Heath Nature Park office

The organizational threads of our work come together in the office.

Our four-member team comes together here to plan and support the various projects in the Nature Park Region. Any questions? Then hopefully you will find the right contact person on this page - or write to us at

Postal address:

Naturpark Lüneburger Heide
c/o Landkreis Harburg
Schlossplatz 6
21423 Winsen (Luhe)

If you would like to contact a member of the Board of Lüneburg Heath Nature Park, please click here.


Hilke Feddersen
Tel: 04171 693-412
Fax: 04171 693-99412
Mail: h.feddersen(at)lkharburg.de

Education for Sustainable Development

Simon Hagmann
Tel. 04171 693-9786
Fax 04171 693-999786
Mail: simon.hagmann(at)naturpark-lueneburger-heide.de

Administration and Project Assistance

Marianne Draeger
Tel: 04171 693-139
Fax: 04171 693-99139
Mail: marianne.draeger(at)naturpark-lueneburger-heide.de